Revisiting The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time: The War on Trump

The Greatest Conspiracy of all Time – The War on Trump originally published 5/5/18

At the time of publication I was told that I was a conspiracy theorist, that I was brainwashed or that I was biased; anything except,"this makes sense."

Now, almost 6 years later I am going to revisit my previous work to see who was justified. Comments added to the original document will be presented in italics

This war is not about Trump being a wealthy man, all the members of Congress are wealthy themselves or they deal with wealthy people on a regular basis. This isn’t about him being a sexist or a racist. That is also common in Washington and Hollywood. This isn’t about Trump being a Republican or a conservative, there have been previous Republicans who did not face the level of opposition and resistance Donald Trump has faced. This is not about any crimes he committed in the past or about his personal behavior.

We have people on the left and right who believe that this war on Trump is ideological, it is not. This isn’t about his stands on the NRA, Right to Life, Religious Freedom, Globalism, foreign relations or any of the other crap they have been feeding us. This is about two things and two things only: The widespread corruption in Washington D.C. and a simple three word chant that Trump spoke and much of America embraced, “drain the swamp.”

Never before have the swamp rats in DC felt so threatened. Everything they have done since has been a direct response to prevent Donald from keeping his promise to “drain the swamp.” They have brought one frivolous lawsuit and slanderous claim after another against him to paralyze his presidency and keep him from directing attention to their activities over the last several decades. (The Russiagate hoax, numerous false accusations and two unfounded partisan impeachments since then are proof) Except for Douglas Campbell, I don’t believe that anyone who wasn’t involved in the corruption, including Donald Trump, realized the depth and breadth of the corruption in this country. When he promised to “drain the swamp” he probably figured that he was referring to a select group of individuals. Little did he know just how may swamp rats there are making their homes in Washington.

Although it might be easier to list who ISN’T involved in this I will attempt to provide a starting point and those with better resources can make the connections.

First we should start with Bill and Hillary Clinton. (It has been proven that Clinton paid 5 million dollars for a phony dossier that was used as the pretext for the "investigation" that paralyzed the Trump presidency for 2 years) They are the Swamp Rat King and Queen. They are the roots of all that is wrong in the Democratic Party and American politics in general. Their corruption is so widespread that their slimy tendrils have infiltrated every branch of the government. It is impossible to cite their misdeeds without naming virtually every department and agency in the US.

First Bill corrupted the state of Arkansas. Bill used Highway patrolmen to bring him women to prey upon and he was involved in Whitewater. Whitewater marked the FIRST time that the Clintons either hid, altered or outright destroyed evidence in defiance of court orders, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. This marked the beginning of their total disregard for the law and the Constitution of the United States. It also began forming the long group of people who became involved in the Clinton’s web of corruption.

There are literally hundreds of people who have been involved in the Clinton’s dirty deals, either in the actual commission of the crimes, the subsequent cover-up attempts, or the justification of or diversion from their criminal activities. The people they haven’t been able to corrupt they have been willing to blackmail or coerce into shutting up. Ask James McDougal (or Seth Rich) what they were willing to do to silence anyone who threatened their kingdom. He was the one person that could bring down the Clintons in the Whitewater scam. He died in prison under extremely suspicious circumstances.

So we start the Clinton Crime Cartel Foundation with allies of the Clintons during their time in Arkansas. It didn’t take long for them to spread the corruption in Washington, as Bill used Secret Service agents to protect him while he had sexual encounters with a young lady who worked for him. Companies and Universities all over the country had rules in place about this kind of behavior, but in typical Clintonesque fashion Bill ignored laws and ethics and did what suited him.

He cheated on his wife, but it was OK because everyone understood why he cheated and she didn’t care. She saw Bill as a stepping stone and stayed with him, not out of loyalty to Bill, but out of her own self-centered ambitions. The affair was cheap and disgusting, but the crime occurred in the follow up. To this day I cannot understand how Bill Clinton escaped Obstruction of Justice charges. It seems like it should have been the easiest charge to make stick.

This is where the second group of Clinton accomplices and apologists enter. This is also where the entire United States became permanently divided along party lines. Not a single democrat voted to impeach Clinton when obvious crimes were committed. They proved that their dedication to their party and staying in power was far more important to them than laws, ethics or honor.

So we see that the Clintons already had many people invested in them before Hillary’s time as Secretary of State. They had either aided and abetted in the crimes or they had become embroiled in the cover up or they had staked their reputations on the Clintons defense and they weren’t willing or able to admit that they had been duped.

No one likes to admit they are wrong. The four most satisfying words in the English language are “I told you so.” For many people the three hardest to say are “I was wrong.” Much like Arthur Fonzarelli they choke on the words. They know their illusion of superiority will be shattered if they admit they are wrong and their long game is dependent upon their moral superiority.

The Clinton Crime Cartel expanded its influence globally under Hillary Clinton’s term as Secretary of State. Her Uranium One activities have embroiled all of the intelligence services and many of the Departments and Agencies of the United States in her crimes. They are all desperate to escape punishment so they have conducted the three ring circus Americans have been subjected to ever since they started to take Trump’s chances of winning the presidency seriously.

The Departments of State, Treasury, Defense, Justice, Commerce, Energy and Homeland Security, and two White House agencies, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and Office of Science and Technology Policy all colluded with Russia to sell them US Uranium. Everyone involved in this crooked deal can be counted as an active Trump enemy. I am sure investigating their ties to Mueller, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper, etc., etc. would be very enlightening. (All were found to be part of the cover up of the false dossier. ALL FOUR of the above mentioned KNEW that the dossier was false and yet they allowed the country to suffer for the entire Trump presidency. Almost 6 years later none of the aforementioned still have their jobs, having been demoted, reassigned or tendering their resignations. Unfortunately some of them have migrated to MSM where they continue to spew their lies unabated)

Everyone involved in the Benghazi cover up can be counted as an active enemy of Donald Trump. Everyone involved in the Iran deal and the cover ups relating to it can be counted as Trump enemies.

Everyone who has ever been involved in the Clintons dirty dealings can be counted as Trump enemies, all because of three simple words, “DRAIN THE SWAMP.”

(The ONLY statement contained herein that has not been PROVEN to be true is the WHY of the combined attack from all branches of the Justice Department. Given the corruption of the FBI and the NDA that Campbell was forced to sign we will probably never know the entire truth, but given that I was right about everything else herein, do you still doubt it? 03/24/2024)