Transgenderism IS a Mental Illness

I see this as a trend that is worse than most. People collected pet rocks and beanie babies. Millions of them are in dumps somewhere now.

Don't let this trend place parts of your body in a dump.

I am not trying to belittle anyone or make them feel like they don't deserve help and attention. What I am doing is trying to offer the best advice and solution to the transgender ideology virus infecting society. I want people with gender dysphoria to get help. I want them to be well, but I also believe that transgender medical procedures are NOT the right answer.

This is a very difficult topic, because it concerns mental health. No one wants to seriously tell someone else, "you have mental problems." It is uncomfortable for everyone involved. I was uncomfortable as I composed this. I was uncomfortable when I spoke it. The unfortunate alternative, which I have witnessed more than once, is letting someone's mental illness run it course or, even worse, exacerbating it.

I don't mean to suggest that having gender dysphoria is always a crippling mental condition, but I use CHATGPT to show how Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Delusional Disorder and Gender Dysphoria manifest similar conditions and that only a trained professional treating a patient over many months can distinguish among them.

I use CHAT to show that 3 of these 4 disorders primarily occur before age 25 and that the other can possibly manifest prior to 25 years old.

I also show that the human brain isn't fully developed until age 25 and that the last part to develop, the prefrontal cortex, is the part that is responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and judgment.

These psychological conditions manifest in adolescents and young adults before the prefrontal cortex has fully developed and they may not exist at all after 25.

Any medical or chemical procedure that affects a body's chemistry before the mind has a chance to reach full maturity should not be considered, and all humans are morally obligated to prevent someone from doing self harm if possible. All Americans should join together to reject this false ideology.

I wonder where the reputable psychologists are? I wonder where the greedy psychologists are? Both should be opposed to transgender procedures even if for different reasons. Is there a conspiracy at a higher level that involves medical providers and hospitals giving kickbacks to psychologists who refer their patients for transgender medical procedures?

That is the only rational explanation I can come up with, even though it is loathsome in detail.

I oppose gender transition for almost all people for reasons which I will show in the following video, but there are exceptions. If someone like Bruce Jenner wants to have a sex change then I support their decision as long as they are well informed of the risks. Bruce accomplished more than most alpha males could ever hope to accomplish in their lifetime. As a decathlete he was THE quintessential ideal of masculinity. His rejection of manhood had absolutely nothing to do with any shortcoming he had as a man. He had a LONG time to figure out what he really wanted. Caitlyn truly needed to be a woman.

Having said that, Bruce suffered from mental illness and Cailtyn still suffers from mental illness. I just hope the treatment has helped.

However, I am not obligated to cater to anyone's mental illness and I will not offer them special privileges unavailable to people without mental problems. I do not recognize their right to co-opt the English language to suit their agenda or force me to accept "their truth."

I allow them to do what they want, they are not going to take away my right to rhetorically oppose it or try to persuade people against doing it. I am doing what I think is best for people with gender dysphoria, telling them "the truth."

If this hurts your feelings, then maybe it is because there is an element of truth. If you think I am just completely wrong then it shouldn't bother you at all. If it does bother you, please take my advice.

I know a lot of people, especially young ones, think "x doesn't apply to me." I was one of them. I didn't listen to my mother over and over again because I thought I was smarter than other people or that I was luckier, or tougher or whatever. Most of the time she was right. Please allow yourselves enough time to really know who you are before you make a decision that can't be undone.

One last thing they may not be telling you. 1 out of every three people who have procedures affecting their urinary system will be incontinent for the rest of their lives. Do any of them tell you that? Why not?

I am encouraging you not to do it, or to at least wait. You should question those that are encouraging you to defile your own body. What are their motivations in trying to get you to do this? You need to ask yourselves that long and hard before you take their advice.

I am honestly trying to help you. Please take it as such.

As always I challenge people to break down my arguments and show where I am wrong.


Do not come at me with emotions or feelings; my feelings are the next to last thing on my decision tree and your feelings are the last thing. If a conclusion cannot be reached solely by logic then I will allow feelings to enter the decision. Come prepared with disproofs.