Saving the Democrat Party

From Itself

Both sides of my families were democrats going back at least a generation when I was growing up. I watched as the Democrat party has morphed over the years from a party that campaigned for the rights of the common man to a party that panders to special interest groups and "Marxist billionaires."

It is strange to me as a libertarian that I should try to save the Democrat party, who I have often referred to as the Doomocrat party, from themselves, but unlike them I believe in diversity of opinion.

America was formed by people with differing beliefs and opinions. On one side we had the Federalists, like Monroe and, on the other hand, people who wanted to limit the government at the federal, state and local level to protect the rights of individuals.

They had great and heated debates but eventually they gave us a country with a federal government, states rights and individual liberty. It is a system that made America the world's leader for over 200 years.

The Democrat party is destroying itself and America by pandering to splinter groups and socialists and turning their backs on the majority of the American citizens.

Their obsession to accommodate tiny slivers of the population to the detriment of the majority is not only wrong but counter productive.

When Americans understand what socialism is, the vast majority don't want it, but the Democrat party keeps forcing the doctrine on their party members.

Socialism has been a scam since the second time it was tried and it is a destructive force. It has never worked in practice and it's impossibility is easily proven.

Ask yourselves a question, if the socialists have such great ideas, then why aren't they running as socialists? Could it be that once they had to defend their system from both republicans and democrats they would evaporate like the morning dew in the Mojave?

How about this question: Socialism already exists in Cuba and Venezuela, if you want to be socialists why don't you move there and redistribute YOUR wealth instead of everyone in America's?

The next thing the democrats need to do is reject identity politics. It has been disastrous for the country and it makes them look like clowns when they elevate a small segment of the population over the general public and when they reject more qualified candidates at the business and government level to accommodate them.

Do they really think the average American looks at a cross dresser and identifies with them? Do they think the average American believes that LGBetc should be afforded special privileges when the majority of Americans are being told their needs are secondary and/or that they are bigots for asking why the needs of such small groups of Americans and illegal aliens should be taking priority over the "normal majority" of tax-paying Americans?

I would also like to know how dividing and categorizing everyone by their sexual, ethnic and racial identity is somehow making us more equal or even accept each other more. Here is an idea. Let's categorize humans in two ways, American citizens and non-Americans.

All Americans are entitled to the same rights, not "more equal" rights depending on who places the highest in the victim Olympics or who can scream the loudest or afford the most lawyers and PACs.

If Democrats want to win elections they should reject the extremists on the far left, move back towards the middle and do what is best for the most Americans possible instead of pandering to special interest groups and coastal elitists.

Force YOUR justice department to apply the law fairly. Thanks to efforts by recent leftists the majority of Americans do not trust the FBI, Congress, the President or mass media. Once you have lost trust then the only thing you have left is authoritarianism and there are millions of people in the United States that would rather die than live under totalitarian rule.

Democrats are at a crossroads, you must choose whether you will support freedom or if you are going to try to take the country by force. Those of us that love our country do not want a Civil War, but we are willing to fight one to preserve our liberty.

Please do what is right for the majority of Americans and show us that you don't want a Civil War either.

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